Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Most days I love my DH...

As you know from my previous post, we've been having issues with getting the little man to sleep in his own bed.  Well last night we finally made progress and he went right to bed and slept through the night.  Today was looking good and he went down without a hitch.  Well then DH decides that he needs to go to Walmart to buy a new alarm clock (Clyde ate through the cord on the old one...) and doesn't look at the alarm panel to notice the alarm in on instant (which he set BTW).  Next thing I know the sirens start wailing and I hear a thud and then "MAMA MAMA" being screamed at me from down the hall.  I run down the hall to calm the little man and there he is standing at the door clutching his blanket and teddy bear at his gate completely terrified.  If he wasn't screaming bloody murder, I more then likely would have ran to grab the camera, as it was such a pitiful sight.  Thankfully I finally calmed him back down and three stories later he's once again sleeping peacefully in his bed.  (Since I didn't have  a pic from tonight, I cheated and used one from the other day)!


Unknown said...

I must be having a moment because I couldn't figure out what DH meant... I am thinking something Hunter... Clue us slow folks in.

KatieKepic said...

Haha! Sorry, it's Kenneth (Dh is dear husband)! I've been involved in forum talk for WAY too long :)
